Category Archives: Introspection

Balancing life and escape

Let’s dive into a topic that I think many of us can relate to: Deeply focusing on a hobby or project and the potential impact they can have on our real lives. This could be things like video games, art or even binge-watching TV shows. Whatever it might be I am going to refer to […]

memory keeper

TLDR: exploring ways to keep memories alive and out of the bottom of camera rolls. Keeping memories Where do your photos and memories get stored and do you ever look back? ­­ If you are anything like me, there is this a big love for taking photos of all the little things that inspire you […]

know thy function

If you have read my blog chronologically you might have seen a trend that I create worksheets for everything. Upon reflection, I think it is my method of feeling in control. Which lends itself well to this blog, in my humble opinion. I have found that writing it out into the physical world helps to […]

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