TLDR: looking at the environmental seasons and finding ways to explore them. talking about celebrating seasons, and potentially leads into seasons home pages Change in season I’ve never been one to actively embrace the changing of seasons, but lately, I’ve felt a desire to change that. I would love to celebrate the small things and […]
Monthly Archives: April 2023
What is that one simple task you know needs to get done, but really struggle with getting it done? Mine is going to the grocery store to buy an item that the house has run out of. I either forget to go get it, or fight against doing it and before I know it a […]
TLDR: exploring ways to keep memories alive and out of the bottom of camera rolls. Keeping memories Where do your photos and memories get stored and do you ever look back? If you are anything like me, there is this a big love for taking photos of all the little things that inspire you […]
If you had the time and energy, would you put in a little more effort today to save future you from doing it later? One principle that I started with earlier in life was that – if I were in a good flow state while working on an assignment or project, I would continue past […]
What to do when it gets hard to get going? While the weekend can be a time to rest and reset, it’s also a time to work towards some of those personal goals and projects. If you are like me, you find it difficult to get a bit of momentum to get going around the […]